Periodic Review Writing Workshop for Luki & Yangambi [October 2019]

Photo: INERA building at Luki
21/10/2019 - 26/10/2019, Kinshasa DRC
In order to facilitate the timely submission of the Periodic Reviews for Luki and Yangambi to UNESCO Headquarters by the end of October, the PilotMAB project initiated a number of activities, supported by many Congolese actors and UNESCO-AfriMAB. For a full report on the activities undertaken, the participants of the workshop and the methodology used, please refer to the Periodic Reviews. After an introductory session with all participants, we split up into two groups. The one group worked on the Luki review and the other worked on the Yangambi review. Bhely Angoboy had prepared very voluminous documents over the past 3 months. The participants of the workshop were all key resource persons. We noticed that having everyone working together, created a great group dynamic which enabled us to successfully complete the documents in time for the official handing over ceremony on Saturday.
The documents and supporting annexes were given to the DRC government representative on Saturday 26/10/2019 during the Réunion Protocollaire at ERAIFT. The government authority representative was Mr Pathy Mamboleo (Directeur de la Conservation de la Nature au Ministère de l’Environnement).
Kim Jacobsen, 28/11/2019