Congo Basin Carbon brings together information on various research and education projects in the Yangambi and Luki MAB Reserves in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Through this website we hope to strengthen research networks and improve project visibility, specifically for carbon research. Tropical rainforests such as the forests of the Congo Basin comprise nearly half of the world’s vegetation carbon. Intact tropical forests represent a carbon sink at a level that is higher than other vegetation types. The issues of carbon stocks, sinks and sources in tropical forests are therefore a central topic in international policy debates on climate changes. UNESCO Biosphere Reserves are living laboratories for this kind of research on climate changes.
On this website you can find thematically ordered carbon projects in these reserves, as well as a 'News' section with the latest developments and training and education materials.
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Locations of the Man and Biosphere (MAB) Reserves of Yangambi and Luki, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo