Forests, Trees and the Eradication of Poverty: Potential and Limitations - Global assessment report by the Global Forest Experts Panel (GFEP) [2020]

Harvesting bush mango (Irvingia gabonensis) for local  consumption and trade, Ekuri, Nigeria. Photo © Terry Sunderland
Félix Laurent

Harvesting bush mango (Irvingia gabonensis) for local  consumption and trade, Ekuri, Nigeria.
© Terry Sunderland

October 2020, Online webinar

This month, the 15th of October, was the virtual launch of the Global Assessment Report on Forests, Trees and The Eradication of Poverty. This webinar was an opportunity to interact with international experts on the subject, and discuss the scientific assessment presented by the Global Forest Experts Panel (GFEP) on Forests and Poverty.


The report, which was published in 2020, is a scientific assessment created to contribute to the first of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals: fighting and ending poverty. It was written by 21 Panel members from 10 countries, as well as 33 experts whom compiled the available scientific information about the interactions between forests and poverty into one document. A policy brief was also made along with the report. Links to both of these documents can be found at the bottom of this page, or accessed from the Documentation section of the CongoBasinCarbon website.


The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) launched the GFEP program in 2010 with the writing of a first policy brief on making the African Forests fit for climate change. The program organizes regional workshops and publications, as well as stakeholders meetings, therefore supporting informed decision-making at the regional and global level.


The IUFRO, as described on their website, is a global, non-profit, non-governmental and non-discriminatory organization established in 1892 with headquarters in Vienna, Austria. It unites about 650 member organizations in more than 120 countries representing over 15,000 scientists.


Work cited:


Keywords: IUFRO, GFEP, Global Assessment Report, Forests, Trees, Poverty, Policy brief, Climate change.


Félix Laurent, 27/10/2020

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