The University of Liège (Belgium) plants a tree in the Luki reserve (DRC) for each new student [October 2020]

Image provided by the University of Liege. Woman and a tree. © Jean Louis Doucet
Félix Laurent

Provided by the University of Liege.
© Jean Louis Doucet

October - December 2020, Luki MAB


The University of Liège (Belgium) has decided to welcome its new students with a gift this year: a tree. There is a special meaning behind this gift. The tree can be seen as a symbol of commitment toward sustainable development. Indeed, the forests are home to about 80% of the worldwide biodiversity and play an important role in climate regulation.


The location for the plantation of the trees was chosen for its great richness in terms of biodiversity: the UNESCO Man and Biosphere reserve of Luki, in the Kongo Central Province of the DRC. Experts from the “Forest is Life” research center of the Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech faculty, along with students from the “Green Office”, made the decision of planting the trees and contribute to the conservation of the reserve’s biodiversity.


This year, more than 4000 new students have joined the University, therefore providing enough trees for the restoration of a degraded area covering 4 hectares. The implementation of the project will take place in partnership with the ERAIFT (Ecole Régionale post-universitaire d’Aménagement et de gestion Intégrés des Forêts et des Territoires tropicaux) and the trees will be planted in late November, early December when the climatic conditions are best for such activities.


Original article, in French: L'ULiège offre un arbre pour chaque nouvel étudiant inscrit en BAC1


Keywords: Luki, MAB, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uliège, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, ERAIFT, Tree.


Félix Laurent, 28/10/2020

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