Schools of the Luki Man and Biosphere Reserve: participating in environmental awareness activities [January 2019 – August 2020]

A class learning about environmental awareness in a school near the Luki MAB
Félix Laurent

2019 - 2020, along the main axes surrounding the Luki MAB

This map shows all the schools from the Luki area where the survey took place.
This map shows all the schools from the Luki area where the survey took place.
Click here to enlarge the map.


One major facet of the “PilotMAB” project is to promote environmental awareness through specially designed didactic packages. These kits will describe the interaction between man and nature in a given environment, with insights showing how the conservation of nature is beneficial for human communities in the long term.

To begin with, we decided to focus our actions toward the youth of the UNESCO man and biosphere reserves (the project’s activity zone), and more specifically the Luki MAB (Kongo central, DRC). The Africa Museum and the WWF-DRC worked together to prepare for future activities in this area. The following actions were implemented:

  • Conducting a survey in numerous schools to identify their needs and desires for pedagogical tools;

  • Producing a map of the schools surveyed (see image above);

  • Providing the surveyed schools with equipment to support their functioning and our future activities with them;

  • Informing and involving political and administrative authorities and school inspectors in the surveys.

At the end of the survey, we have visited 64 schools with a total of 19,872 students. It is estimated that these schools represent 60% of the schools around the Luki Biosphere Reserve, or approximately a total school population of 32,000 students.


Keywords: Luki, MAB, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Manzonzi, systematic inventory, Transition forest, UNESCO, MAB, School, environmental awareness.


Félix Laurent, based on the WWF-DRC activity report (April 2020), 03/09/2020

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