Full title: Interdisciplinary exploitation of the federal Herbarium and Xylarium for tropical forest management
Partners (collaborators): RMCA (Hans Beeckman), Botanic Garden Meise (Steven Janssens), UGent (Joris Van Acker), ULg Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (Adeline Fayolle), ERAIFT (Jean-Pierre Mweru Mate), US Fish and Wildlife Service (Edgar Espinoza)
Funding: Belspo BRAIN project
Period: 2015-2019
MAB: Yangambi, Luki
Website: https://herbaxylaredd.africamuseum.be/
Keywords: valorisation, herbarium, xylarium, functional trait analysis, timber species discovery
In order to renew, complement and strengthen the reference value of both the Herbarium and Xylarium, HERBAXYLAREDD aims at generating knowledge, through multidisciplinary and integrative analysis of specimens’ traits and meta-data, on Central African forest ecology and management as well as on forest products, especially wood.